Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure

Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure

A Financial Conflict of Interest in Research arises when a financial interest or opportunity for personal gain could affect or have the appearance of affecting the design, conduct, or reporting of research. Federal Conflict of Interest (COI) regulations require that all investigators submit conflict disclosures. The determination whether any given financial interest represents a conflict of interest is made by the Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research Committee (FCOIRC).

Disclosures must be submitted in the eDisclosure Management System (eDMS) prior to IRB and/or GCO submission.

  • All Mount Sinai principal investigators, co-investigators, mentors, and key personnel must complete their eDMS Disclosure Profile, disclosing all financial interests that they may have outside of employment at Mount Sinai.

  • Every time a project is submitted, and at the time of continuing review of an existing project, the Triggering Event (TE) must be completed in eDisclosure Management System (eDMS).

  • The Research Trigger Form is used to determine whether any financial interests pose actual or perceived conflicts with a proposed research project. This disclosure form is required for EVERY grant and industry sponsored research study.

Additional Guidance and Support

Visit the Research Roadmap for additional information:

Contact the Conflict of Interest Hotline for application questions:
(212) 241-0845 / Conflicts.of.Interest@mssm.edu

Technical Support: esupport@mssm.edu


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